A cat spotted on a highway prompted many people to come together and turn her life around that night.
On the evening of January 10th, Greenpoint Cats received an urgent email about a cat stranded on a highway, desperately needing help.
Volunteers from Greenpoint Cats and PuppyKittyNYCity quickly responded and rushed to the scene. "Most likely, the kitten had been hunkered down in the engine or wheel hub of a car and then jumped out at the worst possible spot," Greenpoint Cats shared.
As the young cat tried to escape the busy traffic, she realized she had nowhere to go and clung to the side of the highway for dear life.
She was found stranded on a highwayGreenpoint Cats
Soon, many arrived with nets, carriers, and sheets. "Volunteers along with NYPD showed up to rescue her from the highway and catch her if she fell," Alyssa, a foster volunteer with PuppyKittyNYCity, shared.
The kitten was so frightened that she remained in the same spot, not moving an inch.
Greenpoint Cats
"The kitten had been perched there for hours with traffic whizzing by on one side and a 50+ foot drop on the other (into more traffic). It was terrifying to witness and obviously even more terrifying for the kitten," Greenpoint Cats added.
They devised a plan to have one person coax the cat from the highway while the others held a large sheet below, ready to catch her if needed.
Many people came together to rescue the kittenGreenpoint Cats
"With volunteers stopping traffic to form a safety net below, Officer Hernandez (a cat parent himself) was able to get the kitten into a carrier."
About an hour after receiving the email, the kitten, named Perry, was safely off the highway. "She sure was lucky to be spotted in such a scary place and to have everyone come out to save her," Alyssa added.
Perry was understandably scared after the harrowing experience. She eventually allowed one of the volunteers to pet her briefly. They knew that with time and patience, she would come around.
Alyssa welcomed Perry into her foster home and set up a cozy space where she could decompress and start socializing.
Greenpoint Cats
After a good night's sleep, Perry was noticeably less hissy and defensive. Though still skeptical about humans, she finally warmed up to treats. "You can see she loves it. It's a promising start."
Alyssa spoke softly to her, offering plenty of slow blinks to reassure her that she meant well.
She took it slow with Perry and introduced petting gently with a backscratcher. "I keep doing this a few times a day for short periods. She's out of her cubby and feeling a little more comfortable."
The fear in her eyes began to fade as she realized her foster mom always came with food. "She's coming along and adjusting slowly—many thanks to treats."
"She's still learning about toys and watches me play with other cats. She's started to like pets and chin scratches, but only in her cubby. Sometimes, she'll hiss right after seeming to enjoy it, like she's remembering she needs to be wary of hands."
"So it's repetition, consistency, and patience with treats and petting."
"She's also shown interest in the kitties that visit her, and you can hear her little chirp as she calls to them."
It takes a village to save a cat. Now, Perry is easing into her cozy indoor life with feline friends to help her gain confidence and a dedicated foster mom ensuring she has a bright future.
Share this story with your friends. More on Perry and PuppyKittyNYCity on Instagram and Alyssa @adoptablesnyc. Thanks to Greenpoint Cats @greenpoint_cats.
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from Love Meow https://ift.tt/4W6audO