A kitten who was found in a backyard all alone, decided he would be a spoiled cat from that moment on.
Snickers the kittenPatricia @fosterkittensvegas
Last month, a faint meowing sound led a Good Samaritan to the whereabouts of a newborn kitten. He was just palm-sized and had been left behind, lying in a backyard all alone.
The finder waited for the mother cat to return but to no avail. With each passing hour, it became clearer that they had to intervene.
Patricia Lika, an animal rescuer and foster carer, sprang into action when she was apprised of the lone kitten.
He was found in a backyard all alonePatricia @fosterkittensvegas
She took him in, rolled up her sleeves and got right to work. "He was just a few days old and needed around the clock care," Patricia shared with Love Meow.
"Our first few feedings weren't the best as he still needed to get used to the bottle and formula."
He learned to eat from a bottle and started to make good gainsPatricia @fosterkittensvegas
Patricia went to great lengths to make sure that the kitten, named Snickers, was fed, warm, comfortable and loved. Within a few days, he mastered the art of bottle-feeding - it was a game changer.
"Luckily he adjusted well. He started eating (like a champ) and became a little love-bug."
Patricia @fosterkittensvegas
Over the next two weeks, Snickers made plenty of good gains, his energy and affection blooming with each passing day.
"Even at such a young age, he loved getting belly rubs and extra cuddles after every feeding. It gave him so much comfort. As soon as the bottle finished, he would roll over. It's our little routine," Patricia told Love Meow.
Patricia @fosterkittensvegas
Snickers relishes the moments he spends with his foster mom and finds solace in her lap. He purrs softly, content to be near her.
"He purrs non-stop as soon as I pick him up. He's just so loving and loves humans. Being a single baby can get lonely but not for Snickers."
Patricia @fosterkittensvegas
"As he started growing, he learned to play and entertain himself when he's in his playpen."
The bigger he gets, the more his playful spirit and mischievous streak come to the fore. He's a fearless bundle of joy, always up for a game of chase or a cuddle on the couch.
He's getting very playful and mischievousPatricia @fosterkittensvegas
The smart kitty darts and pounces around, batting at toys and climbing posts with wild abandon.
The couch has become his playground. He frolics and cavorts across its cushions until he tires out and drifts off to a blissful slumber.
He loves playing on the couchPatricia @fosterkittensvegas
"He's now about six weeks old and is growing so fast. He still loves his bottle. One thing about single kittens is they typically enjoy the bottle feeding longer. Maybe it's the comfort and connection to their human mama, but that's okay.
"We'll take slower steps and get there soon. Right now, he's just a big baby who loves being a baby."
Snickers wrestles with anything he lays his paws onPatricia @fosterkittensvegas
Patricia and her fellow rescuers continue keeping an eye out for the cat mother. She is likely hiding somewhere in the neighborhood.
They will provide the mom with all necessary care, including spaying and anything else she may need.
He plays hard, but he naps even harderPatricia @fosterkittensvegas
The little newborn has blossomed into a gorgeous, rambunctious young cat with boundless energy and a larger-than-life personality.
He revels in being a spoiled cat every day, basking in the love of those around him and cherishing each moment to the fullest.
Patricia @fosterkittensvegas
Share this story with your friends. More on Snickers and Patricia's fosters on Instagram @fosterkittensvegas.
Related story: Kittens Convince Shelter Volunteer to Take Them Home so They Can Have What They Wanted Together
from Love Meow https://ift.tt/QiLhF52