They took in a cat with kittens and later noticed she began following other felines, gaining courage.
Mia, the cat, was found living with a colony of cats that needed help. Kind-hearted people started feeding them and sought help for them.
Natasha, a local animal rescuer, set out to find placement and assistance for the cats. When she noticed Mia was pregnant, she immediately searched for a rescue to take her in.
"Mia is young and looks quite far along. She will have her last litter ever safe inside," Karly Saltarski, cofounder of Salty Animal Rescue, shared.
Mia was rescued and brought to the all-volunteer organization with Karly. Though initially frightened, she began to relax in her quiet space and appreciate the endless supply of food and comfort.
Her swats and hisses began to wane, replaced by gentle purrs.
"Few things are more rewarding than those first purrs from a very scared kitty who originally lunged at you with a vengeance."
Mia was still very shy but slowly warmed up to the comforts of indoor life. A few days later, she went into labor. Unsure of what to do when her first kitten was born, she looked at Karly with pleading eyes.
Mia gave birth to six kittensSaltyAnimalRescue
After Karly guided her through cleaning and caring for the kitten, Mia handled the next three well on her own but needed assistance with the rest of the litter. Thankfully, the kittens were born safely indoors, spared from the harsh fate they would have faced outside.
"Mia was exhausted but cozied up to her (six) babies. She's not the most attentive mom, but she's trying her best."
In a loving foster home, the kittens flourished into bundles of energy. By four weeks old, they were running around, play-wrestling, mastering the litter box, and showing interest in their mom's food.
The family of seven needed more care than anticipated due to an infection. Karly provided the necessary treatment, helping them heal and ensuring steady gains for all the kittens.
As the little ones grew more independent, Mia started sneaking away to rest atop her box. She clearly craved human affection but remained a bit hesitant, purring one minute and hissing the next.
The kittens were fearless and social, while Mia needed more time and understanding to find her courage. "She is so loving once she trusts you."
As the kittens were ready to spread their wings and fly, Mia happily retired from motherhood. She moved into a new foster home (with Elaine), where she could socialize with the resident cats.
Mia's eyes lit up at the sight of her new feline companions, and she eagerly followed them around. With their encouragement, she grew more confident, discovering that trying new things and trusting humans could be rewarding.
Mia befriended the resident cats in her foster homeSaltyAnimalRescue
"It has taken time to gain her trust, but under that scared shell, she is such a sweet girl. Recently, she's been allowing lots of petting and even purring and head bunts. she's happy with us being in the room and has made a ton of progress."
When Elaine came home with another mother cat and two kittens, Mia was eager to help.
Morticia and her kittens, Pugsley and OpheliaSaltyAnimalRescue
"Morticia is one happy girl to finally get out of the shelter kennel after a month and a half. She has had some help raising her babies from Mia."
With permission from the mom, Mia took the kittens, Pugsley and Ophelia, under her wing. She kitten-sat when Morticia needed a break, guiding the little ones and teaching them the ways of a cat.
Mia watches the kittens when Morticia needs a break SaltyAnimalRescue
Mia has truly blossomed and gained confidence with the help of other cats, and she's ready to find a place of her own.
"She's continuing to understand humans mean extra love and care. She just needs a little time to become the more social kitty in her new home. As long as she has a cat tree or a bed in front of a window to snuggle up in, she's a happy girl."
Share this story with your friends. More on Mia and her feline friends and Salty Animal Rescue on Instagram and Facebook.
Related story: Cat Follows His New Family from Room to Room, Guarding Them After Many Lonely Years Outside
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