They Give Cat Safe Place to Care for Her Kittens Instead of Shelter, Watching Her Blossom Before Their Eyes

They gave a cat a safe place to raise her kittens instead of the shelter, watching her blossom before their eyes.

calico cat nursing kittens Regina and her kittensAshley

A calico cat and her four newborns were brought to an animal shelter just after she had given birth.

Knowing how stressful the shelter environment would be for the mom, the staff reached out for help. Ashley, a director of Liberation Cat House, quickly responded and welcomed the family of five into her home.

Though nervous during the car ride, the calico shielded her kittens, keeping them safe and protected.

calico cat nursing kittens Ashley

"Sometimes, if mamas become too stressed, they will stop nursing their kittens. Additionally, kittens have weaker immune systems and are more prone to illness in the shelter," Ashley shared with Love Meow.

Once the calico settled into her quiet, cozy room, she began to relax, and the wariness in her eyes faded away.

calico cat newborn kittens Ashley

"She explored her new space, and I think she realized she was safe. When I petted her, she immediately began purring and making biscuits on the blanket. She was thankful to be in a comfortable environment."

The two tiny calicos, Cady and Gretchen, inherited their mom's beautiful markings. Gretchen was the runt of the litter, while Cady was the biggest of the bunch. Damien (ginger) and Aaron (tuxedo), the two brothers, had great appetites and were full of energy.

tiny kittens snuggles Cady, Damien, Gretchen, and AaronAshley

In a calm environment, the mother cat, Regina, started taking more breaks to eat, rest, stretch, and use the litter box instead of constantly guarding her kittens as she did at the shelter.

"She's a doting mama and super attentive to her babies."

calico cat tiny kittens Regina is very attentive to her kittensAshley

Ashley monitors their weights daily and provides extra feedings to those who need them. Gretchen is much smaller than her siblings and requires additional support to catch up in size.

Regina lay on her side, allowing her kittens to nurse while she groomed them one by one, filling the room with her soothing purrs.

calico cat nursing kittens Ashley

The beautiful calico seems relieved to have a kind human who caters to her needs and ensures all her kittens are on the right track.

"She's very sweet and friendly and loves attention. I sometimes sit and pet her while she's nursing her babies, and she will close her eyes and purr. She trills greetings to me when I enter the room, and if she's not nursing, she'll come to me, wanting pets."

calico cat kittens snuggles Ashley

"If she steps away for a moment and hears one of the kittens crying, she immediately comes back to check on them. Sometimes, Gretchen is hungry when the others aren't, and Mama will let her nurse as often as she needs."

Cady, still the biggest kitten, lets her siblings snuggle against her like a pillow.

snuggly kittens sleeping Cady lets her siblings use her as a pillowAshley

Regina has blossomed into a joyful cat with a charming personality. "She has this adorable habit of nuzzling her babies affectionately and giving them little head butts. You can tell how much she cares for them."

"She loves drinking water directly from the faucet and also likes to lounge in the sink if she needs a break from her babies."

calico cat sink Regina likes to hang out in the sinkAshley

Gretchen, still the smallest, was the first to open her eyes. She also discovered her voice and had a lot to say. "She's now at 110 grams, a big difference from her siblings, who are all 203-223 grams."

"She's a little fighter. I'll be supplement-feeding her for as long as I need to."

calico kitten tiny Gretchen is a little fighterAshley

Regina and her kittens were given a chance at a better life, and she's flourished into a lovable and affectionate cat.

"She's a good mama, but I'm thankful this will be her last litter. She deserves to be adopted into a loving home where she can relax and not have to think about caring for babies."

calico cat nursing kittens Ashley

Share this story with your friends. More on Regina, her kittens, and Ashley's fosters on Instagram and Liberation Cat House on Instagram.

Related story: Kitten Jumps Out of the Woods and Runs Straight to People, In a Few Days Her Life Takes an Exciting Turn

from Love Meow

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