They Took in Stray Cat and Seven Kittens, Next Day the Cat Showed Them Gratitude in Most Touching Way

They took in a stray cat and her seven kittens. The next day, the cat showed them gratitude in the most touching way.

cat mom snuggling kitten Peach Poptart and her kittensEllenRichter

While caring for community cats and working to bring them to safety, a family discovered a stray cat with her seven newborn kittens.

Knowing they needed a safe place, the family contacted their local animal rescue, Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions. Ellen Richter, a foster volunteer, immediately responded and went to pick up the feline family.

She carefully loaded the momma cat and her babies into her car, starting their new journey to a foster home.

shy cat newborn kittens EllenRichter

The mom was understandably nervous during the car ride. She meowed anxiously, her wary eyes darting around.

Ellen prepared a cozy space for the cat and her kittens, layering it with soft blankets for extra comfort. Though shy at first, the cat didn't try to hide, staying close to her kittens, who were fast asleep in a cuddle puddle.

newborn pile kittens EllenRichter

Ellen noticed that whenever she spoke softly to the cat, Peach Poptart, her face would relax as if soothed by the sound of her voice. She kept talking until Peach felt comfortable enough to lie on her side, offering her belly for her kittens to nurse.

That night, Peach slept with a full belly, her precious seven nestled against her, basking in warmth and comfort.

cat mom nursing sleeping kittens EllenRichter

"Mama is feeling very comfortable, relaxed and calm. She has two dilute torties, two calicos, one tortoiseshell, an orange baby, and one orange and white."

The worries in her eyes melted away, replaced by a calm, contented look.

happy content cat kittens EllenRichter

Peach lavishes her kittens with unconditional love. "They are all plump and healthy."

Raising a litter of seven is no small feat, so Ellen has been supplementing to give Peach some well-deserved rest. Whenever she enters the room, she's greeted by Peach's rumbling purrs as the mama blissfully kneads her blanket.

cat kittens sweet EllenRichter

For the first day, Peach didn't leave her kittens, not even to eat, so Ellen brought the food to her. With a comfy nest and food-in-bed service all day, Peach grew fond of her foster mom and started greeting her with adorable meows.

Once Ellen sat down, she'd come over, nuzzling her hand and flopping onto her arm.

snuggly cat affection EllenRichter

While the kittens snoozed in a cozy pile, Peach rested her head on Ellen's hand, her loud purrs filling the room.

After roaming the streets for likely most of her life, she's so thankful for a roof over her head, nourishing meals, and the affection of a caring human. In just a few days, Peach has blossomed into a real snuggle bug.

snuggly happy cat EllenRichter

She loves to lean into her foster mom, using her hand as a pillow while kneading the blanket beside her. She often gazes up to Ellen, her eyes brimming with affection as she makes biscuits.

Though already a mom, Peach is still a baby at heart and can't wait to romp around like a kitten again once she's finished raising her last litter.

affectionate cat attention snuggly EllenRichter

As the kittens get bigger and stronger, their curious, playful sides will emerge. They have a doting mother tending to their every need and a loving family ensuring their future is bright.

"Most of the kittens have their eyes open. They are growing so fast."

cat hugs kittens sleeping EllenRichter

Peach is reveling in her new life as an indoor cat, surrounded by her precious seven.

Once she realized she was safe, her true personality came out, melting the hearts of everyone she touched.

cat mom sleeping kittens EllenRichter

Share this story with your friends. More on Peach, her kittens, and Ellen's fosters on Instagram and Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions on Instagram.

Related story: Cat Follows a Kitty Through Pet Door into a House, So Her Kittens Won't Have to Live Outdoors

from Love Meow

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