A cat lurked around a building, trying to get in until a family took him on and changed his life.
Forrest the catNora
A cat lurked around a public housing complex and tried to sneak in multiple times. A young woman was there to visit her relative when she saw him pressing against the glass window by the entrance.
When she stepped outside, the cat made a beeline for her, chirping and rubbing against her legs. The longer she stayed with the cat, the more concerned she was about his safety, given how friendly he was and how other strays bullied him.
Hoping to get him off the streets, she contacted her local rescue, Little Wanderers NYC, for help.
He lurked around a building and tried to get inLittleWanderersNYC
"Forrest, aka Sir Chirps Alot, has had a wonderful impact on everyone he has met," the finder shared. Despite what he had gone through, "he was still open to human contact, which shows how much of a big, warm, pure soul he truly is."
Nora of Little Wanderers NYC received a call that late afternoon. Since no one else could help, she rushed to the location after work. "We are full to capacity, but we couldn't leave this little one out there," Little Wanderers NYC shared with Love Meow.
Forrest was immediately friendlyLittleWanderersNYC
They looked around the area but couldn't find the cat. It was getting late and rainy, but they decided to do one more lap around the housing tower.
"(The finder) thought sometimes he was down on the path under some scaffolding towards the basement," Nora told Love Meow.
He rubbed against the finder's legs for attentionLittleWanderersNYC
"And there he was in a little pile of wet leaves. We came up with the name Forrest together, and it has stuck. Not only is he mysterious and regal, but he is a huge goofball."
After Nora brought Forrest in the car, he checked out his surroundings and slinked his way into the driver's seat. He nuzzled up to Nora, bumping her nose with his as if to thank her for rescuing him.
Forrest was finally safeNora
Forrest was neutered and vetted, and it didn't take long for him to fit perfectly into his new home.
"If a black lab puppy was somehow stuck in a cat's body, it would be him. He loves to bound around and run, but at the same time, he knocks over and skids into things regularly. He loves toys, especially a wand toy with a mouse on it that he always wants to carry away to his scratch box."
He quickly made himself at homeNora
As soon as he met the youngsters in the family, he was smitten. "He had an immediate bond with them. He loves being near them at their feet or following them around."
"I suspect he was a dumped house cat. House cats don't just get accepted by feral colonies. He was thin, with debris and fleas, and his sleek black coat was thinning by his ears and back."
Forrest adores the youngsters in the familyNora
With his voracious appetite and access to nutrient-rich food, Forrest's coat has regained its beautiful shine.
"One of his favorite places is in the master bedroom on the California King - he knows he is the king in our hearts."
He quickly claimed the king-sized bed as his ownNora
Forrest has blossomed into his true self and become the family "therapy cat," offering cuddles while being spoiled like a baby. He provides his daily fix and then bounces off to play with his favorite toys.
"As we fostered him, it became harder and harder to imagine him anywhere but with us."
"As he settled in and showed every sign of loving our family dynamic and managing meeting the resident fur friends, we found letting him go to even a lovely home quite impossible.
"Any quirks he had we adored, from his chirps and chatter to his bounding around like a puppy."
Gemma and ForrestNora
"The day I got the call ended up being one of the best days of my whole family's life."
Forrest is happy-go-lucky, loves his playtime and adventures, and is always ready for a cuddle. He brings so much joy and laughter and has found his comfy spot with his now-forever family.
"We may not have planned on having another cat, but Forrest took those plans and fit himself right into our arms and hearts, young and old...and the king-sized bed, too."
Forrest has found his forever homeNora
Share this story with your friends. More on cats like Forrest at Little Wanderers NYC on Instagram and Facebook.
Related story: Cat Sits Outside Building in the Same Spot for Days Until Woman Comes to Him, He Turns into Instant Lap Cat
from Love Meow https://ift.tt/NpklTBU