Five kittens came into a family's home for a new start, with two of the cats leading the clowder.
Hunter the kitten and his siblingsKelsey @pennyandthefosters
About two months ago, a Good Samaritan found five orphaned kittens in need of help. Too young to fend for themselves, these bundles of fur require nourishment through bottle feeding.
They were brought into IndyHumane and placed in the arms of a compassionate volunteer. Kelsey, the foster mom, began feeding and caring for them around the clock.
Their paws were barely able to support their wobbly bodies, but the kittens had voracious appetites, devouring formula with gusto.
Five kittens were found by a Good Samaritan when they were just a few days oldKelsey @pennyandthefosters
After being cleansed of flea dirt and replenished with nutritious food, the kittens slumbered in a warm, huddled mass, inside a cozy incubator which helped regulate their body temperature.
With their eyes wide open and ears perked up, their growing curiosity led them to waddle around their surroundings with enthusiasm.
JackKelsey @pennyandthefosters
Without a mother, the kittens (four boys and one girl) turned to nursing on each other. Kelsey provided each baby with ample room to move around, soft blankets to burrow in and plush companions to knead on.
Once their playful spirit emerged, they had a spring in their step. Hunter and Harvey, two of the cow kittens, set out on their first expedition with their littermates right behind them. They inquisitively ventured into the vast expanse of the room, creating a pitter-pattering cacophony.
The kittens explored their expanded space, and Hunter started playing foil soccerKelsey @pennyandthefosters
Jack the ginger kitten discovered his powerful voice and used it to charmingly demand attention from those around him. His calico sister, Maize, was the smallest of the bunch but exuded a sweet and endearing personality.
"Hunter and Harvey are the bosses, but Jack is the loudest. Bram is just happy to be here, and Maize is so sweet and silly," Kelsey shared with Love Meow.
Hunter led his siblings to a new summitKelsey @pennyandthefosters
Hunter has earned the title of mischief maestro. He fearlessly tackles any toy within his reach and inspects every nook and cranny he encounters.
Together with Harvey, they lead the clowder of five to a whirlwind of feline escapades.
Harvey and Hunter are the bossesKelsey @pennyandthefosters
The kittens befriended two singleton fosters and took them under their wings.
They invited them to their playful games and cuddlefests, while the newcomers helped to hone their social skills and teach them the art of friendship.
The five and one of their new friendsKelsey @pennyandthefosters
As soon as Kelsey enters the room for housekeeping, Jack makes a beeline towards her, seeking attention with his signature screams.
Shortly, all the kittens gather around her feet, offering their "assistance".
Jack and MaizeKelsey @pennyandthefosters
"We swept the room, replaced all litter pans, swapped out blankets, refreshed the water bowls and food."
Over the weeks, the kittens have blossomed into unique individuals, each with their own personality and quirks.
Bram, Harvey, Hunter and JackKelsey @pennyandthefosters
Maize delights in the company of humans, cherishing the moments they share together. Hunter and Harvey are constantly on the lookout for their next adventure, calling the shots with a purr and a meow.
From the top: Hunter, Maize, Harvey and BramKelsey @pennyandthefosters
Bram loves to lounge on the couch, basking in the warmth and comfort. Jack tags along with his siblings, eager to join in on the fun and excitement.
"The boys are getting close to two pounds. Maize is still on the smaller size at 1.5 pounds."
Jack and HunterKelsey @pennyandthefosters
Though their journey began with uncertainty, they have blossomed into irresistible bundles of joy. The rambunctious five charm people with their silly antics each day, with Hunter and Harvey leading the way.
Hunter, Maize, Harvey, Jack and BramKelsey @pennyandthefosters
Share this story with your friends. More on the kittens and Kelsey's fosters on Instagram @pennyandthefosters.
Related story: Cat Found with Kittens that Don't Belong to Him, Months Later He Finally Has What He's Been Waiting for
from Love Meow https://ift.tt/bytohqs